Wednesday, October 13, 2010

13th October 2010

Today was Winnie's birthday! 
Happy birthday to you Winnie...
Gave her the present Jingyi, Yee Shan and I shared
Sat is Tze Yang's birthday
Why so many people birthday in this month?
I'm going to be bankrupt soon T.T

Haha...recently Jingyi told me she believed me when i told her the rabbit's ear might fall off...
She said that she was very careful with the rabbit
Jingyi, my dear, i lied to you

That Yee Shan today keep on bullying Jingyi
Keep on seeing her attack Jingyi
Yee Shan, ah Yee Shan...
How can you do that?

Today Winnie and Jason started studying Sejarah
So hardworking!
Hon Yew and Kok Zhen memorise the whole text book already i think!
So crazy~


  1. Winnie: You're welcome dear~
    Dai Jing: Hi. Thx a lot. Please continue reading
    my blog^^
